Bi-monthly Major Infrastructure Projects Report

I raised this item to request an update on the Menai Indoor Sports centre roof upgrade. The Project is the replacement of roofing that includes the removal of skylights and an upgrade of the ventilation system.

The planned work will include:

  • Removal and disposal of existing roof sheets, skylights and insulation
  • Installation of new roof sheets, insulation and associated works
  • Installation of new ventilation
  • Sealing of eaves, soffits and verges
  • Provide a complying roof access system.

Due to an issue found at the start of the works there is now an unexpected delay. Completion date is to be confirmed.

Update Draft Sutherland Shire Overland Flood Study

What’s Been Happening? Council have been working on a study to understand flood risks better and manage them in line with the NSW Government’s policies.

Extended Consultation Period Council heard concerns from property owners who might be affected by the flood study, so the mayor did a Mayoral minute and extended the time for everyone to have a say until March 31, 2024. This gave everyone more time, especially over the busy holiday season, to understand the information and provide feedback.

Support for Property Owners For those who wanted it, Council organised face-to-face consultations with flood experts to help understand individual situations better.

Communications and Next Steps Council sent out letters and used various communication channels to keep residents informed. They have also completed community engagement sessions and reviewed the feedback given to them.

What Council Found and Did

  • Council held a briefing that Councillors attended to discuss technical details of the study and to get advice from emergency and environmental services.
  • Council reviewed the flood planning area, which influenced the information on residents planning certificates.
  • Council removed the flood notations from planning certificates for now, until the study is complete.
  • The freeboard level used in Sutherland Shire’s Overland Flood Study was set at 0.3m. However, this may change if a new motion is passed at Council. There was feedback received by the experts at the Briefing that a Variable freeboard level may be the better option.

What’s Next?

RESOLVED: (Councillor Awada/Councillor Boyd) THAT:

  1. The report on the draft Sutherland Shire Overland Flood Study inclusive of Appendices A – E be received and noted.
  2. The current draft Sutherland Shire Overland Flood Study process continue to progress in accordance with the Mayoral Minutes, Minute No. 228 of 6 November 2023 and Minute No. 251 of 11 December 2023, including:

a. The continued refinement of the draft Overland Flood Study based on the updated filtering parameters and settings, and feedback from the community consultation process;

b. A peer review of the draft Overland Flood Study, including a technical assessment of the hydraulic modelling and advice on the use of the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability and Probable Maximum Flood as design inputs; and Council Meeting 22 April 2024 Page 8

c. Asset data quality assurance via sample site inspections of Council infrastructure to validate asset register information.

  1. Council acknowledges the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has conducted a technical review of the draft Sutherland Shire Overland Flood Study, and thanks DCCEEW for their continued partnership and technical input across the entire flood risk management process.
  2. Council acknowledges and thanks the NSW State Emergency Service for their contribution to the draft Sutherland Shire Overland Flood Study.
  3. Council thanks the Sutherland Shire community for the extensive contributions made across the extended consultation period.
  4. Council receive a report on community consultation outcomes with the updated draft Flood Study and peer review for consideration.
  5. Following tonight’s meeting, an update on the draft Overland Flood Study together with updated FAQs on the website, be promoted via Council’s various engagement channels, with regular community updates to be provided as Council progresses through the key stages of the flood risk management process.
  6. The draft Catchment and Waterways Strategy include actions for delivering floodplain risk management initiatives.
  7. The name of the study be updated to the Draft Sutherland Shire Overland Flow – Flood Study

The MOTION was put to the Meeting with Councillors voting FOR and AGAINST as follows:

FOR: The Mayor, Councillor Carmelo Pesce Councillor Carol Provan Councillor Marcelle Elzerman Councillor Louise Sullivan Councillor Jack Boyd Councillor Haris Strangas Councillor Hassan Awada Councillor Jen Armstrong Councillor Laura Cowell Councillor Stephen Nikolovski Councillor Peter Scaysbrook Councillor Greg McLean Councillor (12)

AGAINST: Kent Johns Councillor Leanne Farmer Total Total (2)

What Does This Mean for You? For now, nothing changes on your planning certificates, and there’s no immediate action required from you. Once the study is complete, Council will share what it means for your property specifically if you are impacted.

Oyster Bay Waterways

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: (Councillor Armstrong/Councillor Strangas) THAT Council:

  1. Note that the Oyster Bay surrounding waterways provide an important recreational asset for the community.
  2. Note that the Oyster Bay waterways is challenged by sedimentation deposition reducing river navigability and reducing the access and amenity to public open space.
  3. Receive a report within the next three months that assesses the feasibility and progresses options to improve the health of Oyster Bay’s waterways, including its feeder creeks, and increases the community’s access and amenity to public open spaces; over the longer term.
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