Council Meeting 20th May 2024

Urgency Motion Sports Utilities Bills – I want to commend the significant community work and social benefit that our volunteer sporting clubs and associations bring to the Sutherland Shire. These organisations are the backbone of our community, fostering a vibrant community spirit, promoting social activity, and providing essential services to our residents. Their dedication and commitment create a sense of belonging and pride in our community, making Sutherland Shire a better place to live.

Council recognises that an administrative oversight has unintentionally imposed a financial burden on these vital organisations. The delay in levying the at-cost 2023 utilities fees has created an unexpected strain on their resources. These clubs and associations, run predominantly by volunteers, should not have to bear the consequences of such an oversight.

I propose that the CEO be delegated to prepare a report for the next Sports and Active Communities Sub-Committee meeting. This report should present options to alleviate the impact of the outstanding 2023 utilities fees on the affected sporting Associations and clubs. By doing so, we can ensure that these organisations can continue their invaluable work without the added financial stress.

RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: (Councillor Cowell/Councillor Strangas)

  1. Council:
    a. Commends the significant community work and social benefit of volunteer sporting clubs
    and associations on the Sutherland Shire community. These organisations play a crucial
    role in fostering community spirit, promoting social activity, and providing essential
    services to residents.
    b.Recognises the unintended financial burden on sporting associations from an
    administrative oversight delaying the levying at-cost 2023 utilities fees.
  2. The CEO be delegated to prepare a report to the next Sports and Active Communities Sub
    Committee with options to reduce the impact of the outstanding 2023 utilities fees on affected
    sporting associations and clubs.

    Motion – Domestic and Family Violence and its Impact Within the Sutherland Shire

    I fully back this motion and Thank you, Councillor Armstrong, for bringing this motion to the floor of Council. Domestic and family violence is a critical issue that affects many in our community, often behind closed doors, shrouded in silence and fear. It is a pervasive problem that surpasses age, gender, socioeconomic status, and cultural background, leaving lasting scars on individuals, families, and our community as a whole.

     It is important that we raise awareness and provide support to those impacted by this insidious issue. Raising awareness means breaking the silence and stigma associated with domestic violence. It means educating our community about the signs of abuse, the importance of early intervention, and the resources available for those in need. It means fostering an environment where victims feel safe and supported in coming forward, knowing they will be met with compassion and understanding.

    This motion is a step in the right direction, but it is only the beginning. I think we must be relentless in our efforts, working together to create a community where everyone feels safe and valued.

    Thank you again Cr Armstrong.

    By confirming our commitment to this cause, we are sending a clear message that we stand with the victims and survivors of domestic and family violence. We acknowledge their struggles, we validate their experiences, and we are dedicated to providing them with the support they need to rebuild their lives.

    RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: (Councillor Armstrong/Councillor Cowell)
    THAT Council:
    1.Confirms its commitment to addressing Domestic and Family Violence and its impact within
    the Sutherland Shire Community.
    Notes that our Community Development Strategy outlines the following area of focus
    “Empower the community so they can access care and support”.
    Receives a briefing and report by the July 2024 Shire Services Standing Committee Meeting
    that provides the following information:
    i. A review of the current statistics that provides an overview of the impact of domestic
    and family violence within the community.
    ii. Outlines Council’s current programs and partnerships that address domestic and family
    violence within the community, both preventative and reactive and identifies any
    opportunities for improvement.

    RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: (Councillor Strangas/Councillor Provan)
    The Planning and Growth Committee resolved, in accordance with their Delegation:

    1. The report ‘Draft Outdoor Dining Policy Review’ be received and noted.
    2. The draft Outdoor Dining Policy attached at Appendix A to this report, be placed on targeted
      exhibition to businesses for a period of 28 days.
    3. A further report be provided, after the completion of the targeted exhibition to businesses, to
      Council for formal adoption of the Policy.
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